a+bend press

innovative poetry

a+bend press

Originally begun in San Francisco in 1999, as part of a reading and publication series held in historical North Beach, publisher Jill Stengel chose to start a+bend press as a chapbook press in order to produce affordable books, and lots of them! Her aim: to create more opportunities for innovative poets to be published.

More than 20 years later, a+bend press now has a catalog of more than 50 publications, including chapbooks, books, a journal mem, collaborative publications, and more. There is even a free online chapbook (link here).

Many poets had their first books come out from a+bend press; and, for more established authors, many of their a+bend press books were special projects they wanted to work on closely in conjunction with their publisher. While there is much variety amongst the publications, all have been carefully produced, and all were a labor of love.

a+bend press has never had institutional funding. All books have been created with private funds, through sales, and through donations. Please consider purchasing books from a+bend press, and other small press publishers, so that we are able to produce more books, and to empty our closets and basements. Donations are also always welcome.

While a+bend press is not currently publishing as of this writing, there may be more in store for the future. The Magic 8-ball says “Ask Again Later.” Meanwhile, there are plenty of titles to keep you busy for a while, so enjoy!

Thank you for your interest in innovative poetry, in small presses, and in a+bend press.

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